Jan 18, 2025

Speedrunning weekend project with Claude AI

What does it look like to bring on board Claude AI to develop a weekend project in a lesser-known language?

Yevhenii Kurtov
Yevhenii Kurtov

Speedrunning weekend project with Claude AI

Last Friday night I sat out to develop a web app where people can match 3 favourite songs.

Below are my post-factum recollections from Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. I tried to stay focused on the product and be sidetracked by the shiny technical things. Apart from that I tried to keep the code tidy, especially because there were no tests.

Initial exploration

I started by prompting Claude for the match-making data model and he suggested a model with User, Match and Message. I ignored that response because before matching and chatting users have to specify their favourite songs and I need to pull their details off Spotify.

Lesson learned: think before typing to narrow down the answer space. Or don't and refine it later on.

At the same time, I recognised that I don’t know how to cross-match tracks between music services if I want to add another streaming platform later.

Claude suggested using ISRC: “For universal music identification, you can use ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) as your base identifier.”

That was something that I didn’t know about!

To be fair that’s what Gemini suggests at the top of Google search results. I spot-checked a few first top links and that wasn’t mentioned anywhere else. At this moment LLMs already saved me hours of lurking around the web!

Implementing Spotify client

I needed a simple functionality of pulling track details by sharing URLs. Quick lurking through Spotify clients on hex.pm and their absence of documentation suggested that it would be easier to write my own.

That’s where the fun got even more serious!

I asked Claude to write a function that:

  • accepts a URL and checks that it starts with https://open.spotify.com/track/
  • sends an HTTP request to get track details.
defmodule SpotifyTrack do
  @spotify_url_prefix "https://open.spotify.com/track/"
  @spotify_api_base "https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/"

  def get_track_details(url, access_token) when is_binary(url) and is_binary(access_token) do
    with {:ok, track_id} <- extract_track_id(url),
         {:ok, response} <- make_api_request(track_id, access_token) do
      {:ok, response}

  defp extract_track_id(url) do
    if String.starts_with?(url, @spotify_url_prefix) do
      # Extract the track ID from the URL (everything between /track/ and ? or end of string)
      track_id = url
                 |> String.replace(@spotify_url_prefix, "")
                 |> String.split("?")
                 |> List.first()

      {:ok, track_id}
      {:error, :invalid_url}

  defp make_api_request(track_id, access_token) do
    headers = [
      {"Authorization", "Bearer #{access_token}"},
      {"Content-Type", "application/json"}

    request = Finch.build(:get, @spotify_api_base <> track_id, headers)

    case Finch.request(request, MyFinch) do
      {:ok, %Finch.Response{status: 200, body: body}} ->
        {:ok, Jason.decode!(body)}

      {:ok, %Finch.Response{status: 401}} ->
        {:error, :unauthorized}

      {:ok, %Finch.Response{status: 404}} ->
        {:error, :track_not_found}

      {:error, _reason} = error ->

No doubt this first iteration was naive so but it was a good enough starting point.

What was more interesting was that I discovered Zed’s functionality to fetch web pages and include files in context! By linking Spotify Authentication and Get Track documentation pages, and including the module in which I copy-pasted code, I got a working Spotify client without writing a single line of code in under forty minutes.

Zed AI assistant

That completely changed my perspective on where are next frontiers in product development. In front of my eyes iteration cycle shrunk like never before.

Grunt work

I wanted to do as much validation before hitting the Spotify API to reduce my chances of being throttled, so I asked Claude to give me a function to further verify Spotify ID and he produced code that included data both from Spotify API docs and StackOverflow. Spotify API docs only mention that IDs are base-62 encoded but StackOverflow answers also mentioned that they are 22 characters long.

That didn’t save me much typing but I also learned that I can pattern-match on string length in the function header, which I was delighted about.

  def valid_base62_id?(<<id::binary-size(22)>>) do
    String.match?(id, ~r/^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/)

  def valid_base62_id?(_), do: false

Notice how this neatly tucks nil check in the catch-all clause.

What was really cool is that it generated Artist, Album and Image modules to neatly parse and represent Spotify response. That spared me from boring, tedious and monotonic work and allowed me to stay on the exciting and fun part of the task at hand.

Not looking great

As exciting as it was Claude hit its limit when I asked him to write a function to retrieve track details in bulk via batch retrieval endpoint. It should return parsed tracks if all passed URLs are valid or return invalid URLs otherwise. The caveat is that Spotify doesn’t tell for which URLs it wasn’t able to find tracks - it just returns null. Docs don’t mention ordering guarantees, so I assumed they are not given, and the algorithm has to work out which URLs yielded no result.

def tracks_from(urls) when is_list(urls) do
    track_ids_result = Enum.map(urls, &extract_track_id/1)

    case Enum.find(track_ids_result, &match?({:error, _}, &1)) do
      {:error, :invalid_track_url} ->
        # Find the problematic URL
        {bad_url, _} = Enum.zip(urls, track_ids_result)
                       |> Enum.find(fn {_, result} ->
                         result == {:error, :invalid_track_url}
        {:error, InvalidTrackUrlError.new(bad_url)}

      nil ->
        # All track IDs were successfully extracted
        track_ids = Enum.map(track_ids_result, fn {:ok, id} -> id end)

        case ApiClient.tracks(track_ids) do
          {:ok, %{"tracks" => tracks}} ->
            {:ok, Enum.map(tracks, &Track.from_json/1)}
          error ->

That is typical AI slop. Horrible. But it was the first time when I had to write something that I had to think about for more than a few minutes. In about ten hours of development.

My mind was still fresh at that moment which was amazing!

Here is my implementation

  def tracks_from(urls) when is_list(urls) do
    validated_urls = validate_urls(urls)

    if validated_urls.valid == urls do
      ids = Enum.map(urls, &extract_track_id!/1)

      with {:ok, tracks_map} <- ApiClient.tracks(ids) do
        {:ok, Enum.map(tracks_map, &Track.from_json/1)}
      {:error, InvalidTrackURLs.new(validated_urls.invalid)}

  defp validate_urls(urls) do
    Enum.reduce(urls, %{valid: [], invalid: []}, fn url, acc ->
      if valid_track_url?(url) do
        %{acc | valid: acc.valid ++ [url]}
        %{acc | invalid: acc.invalid ++ [url]}

NOTE: It can be further improved by combining individual url validation and subsequent list comparison in a one single step: if all_urls_are_valid?(urls) do. I also don’t like nested conditionals if -> with, but that’s good enough.

The worst code Claude generated was when I just linked Spotify Get Track API documentation page without including code that I refactored.Maybe that was a fluke.

Going off the track

Even though the previous function was overcomplicated it wasn’t as bad as when I asked Claude to assist in an even more complex scenario.

The tracks input form has two different types of validations: cheap/local validations like URL format, presence of a Spotify track ID in a URL, etc. and an expensive/remote validation of a track presence in the Spotify records.

The issue with the default form generated by Phoenix scaffolding in this particular case is that it’s stateless and re-runs validations every time phx-validate is triggered. So the “missing track” error message would be lost if a user just clicks in and out of the form. When I asked Claude to preserve that error between validations and show it again unless the user changes the URL it suggested adding a virtual field per every track input to keep track of those errors. That wouldn’t work because precisely because of the flow described above.

defmodule MstrWeb.EnrollLive.Profile do
  use Ecto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset
  alias SSpotify
  # alias SSpotify.Errors.InvalidTrackURLs
  alias __MODULE__

  @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
  embedded_schema do
    # same as before
+   # virtual fields to store validation state
+   field :track_url_1_not_found, :boolean, virtual: true
+   field :track_url_2_not_found, :boolean, virtual: true
+   field :track_url_3_not_found, :boolean, virtual: true

  # same as before

  def change(%Profile{} = profile, attrs \\ %{}) do
  def changeset(profile, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:nick, :track_url_1, :track_url_2, :track_url_3, :email])
    |> validate_required([:nick, :track_url_1, :track_url_2, :track_url_3, :email])
    |> validate_change(:track_url_1, &validate_track_url/2)
    |> validate_change(:track_url_2, &validate_track_url/2)
    |> validate_change(:track_url_3, &validate_track_url/2)
+   |> maybe_preserve_not_found_errors()

+  defp maybe_preserve_not_found_errors(changeset) do
+    Enum.reduce([:track_url_1, :track_url_2, :track_url_3], changeset, fn field, acc ->
+      not_found_field = String.to_existing_atom("#{field}_not_found")
+      case {get_field(acc, not_found_field), fetch_change(acc, field)} |> dbg do
+        {true, :error} ->
+          # Field was marked as not found and hasn't changed
+          add_error(acc, field, "track is not found")
+        _ ->
+          acc
+      end
+    end)
+  end

It couldn’t grasp the nature of the problem and I reckoned explaining it and describing the solution would be slower and less productive than implementing it myself.

Further investigation on Saturday

What it didn’t highlight and I didn’t think about asking is whether ISRC would be present at all times. Later on, it confirmed that older tracks and tracks from small labels would not necessarly have it.

Lesson learned: I'm still vulnerable to the confirmation bias and the a-ha moment reward just got one step closer.

I uploaded Ultrasonics plugins for Spotify and Deezer and asked what are alternatives when ISRC doesn’t work.

Claude suggested that the next best option is

Secondary matching by Cross-platform identifiers like MusicBrainz ID (MBID) UPC/EAN codes for albums ISWC (for compositions)

Which turned out to be a no-go as soon as I pasted response samples from Spotify, Amazon and Apple Music. They just don’t have that data.

Lesson learned: it won't tell you about unknown unknowns and there will always be such.


As a developer and a Lead Developer, my takeaway is that we need to have dedicated time for knowledge acquisition because sorting and separating wheat from the chaff in LLM output is hard and we are vulnerable to confirmation bias. Study paths, dedicated learning time and deliberate practice are a good set of tools for teams that want to effectively ride the LLM wave.

I’m fine with senior engineers in our team copying/pasting code from Claude Sonnet if they do that consciously because they understand code smells. From my perspective, it’s a transformative technology and we are in the race to reap its benefits.

Overall I had as much fun as I did when I just began my web journey with RoR 1.x. What an exciting times!

Further reading


The code is available at https://github.com/hyperinstant/mstr/tree/main/lib/sspotify .

Please notice it’s not quite production-ready:

  • it doesn’t gracefully handle the case when it can’t refresh the token and just blows up
  • calling SSpotify.from_track and SSpotify.from_tracks at that time will lead to a runtime error because the ETS table holding the token won’t be available


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